Welcome! I’m Mike Sackmary, founder of Amos413.com. This website focuses on techniques and practices for living a joyful Christian life. The content is organized into articles, sermons, Bible commentaries and links. There’s even a section of my landscape and wildlife photographs for those who are more visually inclined. Be sure to subscribe to the updates (click here) and have new posts and youtube updates delivered to your inbox. To contact me for preaching, public speaking, consultations or weddings click here. Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Lord. 

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On this site you will find writings on a number of topics. Let's start with a commonly asked question -->

Does God Care?

God’s love for you is the greatest love story in the universe.

Does God care about me? This is the fundamental question of human existence. Yes, He does care about you. He cares so much that He set me to the task of writing this article just for you. No matter what you are going through, or have been through, I am willing to be your friend and help you get connected to the Creator of the Universe, the true and living God, the One and Only Savior of our souls. I’ve given the answers to commonly asked questions below.

What is the message from God? It is this – every human being is initially separated from God because we have all broken God’s laws. This separation becomes eternal and leads to us being in hell forever after we die. But – God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the penalty for our sins so that everyone who believes in the Name of Jesus Christ will be saved. This message is called the Gospel. People who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are called Christians. If someone is truly a Christian, these are the characteristics which you will in their lives, in ever-increasing amounts; faith, goodness, knowledge, persistence, friendship, self-control and love.

What does God want from us? To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord your God. How do we know what it is to ‘walk justly’ (to do the right things)? The Bible tells us what is right and wrong. Often our ideas about morality are different than what the Bible teaches. This is why it is life-giving to us to study the Scriptures. Read more....





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